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Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions at Confident Kids Canada. From how the program works to our certifications to what you need to bring along for your time here.
HOW IS CONFIDENT KIDS CANADA DIFFERENT? WHY WILL THIS PROGRAM WORK OVER OTHERS WE HAVE TRIEDFirstly, our devoted team of professionals connect with Youth because we share similar life experiences. Every member of our team has overcome negative life events and has the unique ability to meet kids 'where they're at' with acceptance and guidance. Secondly, our teachers make an impact! Without judgement, they respond to each Youth with cause & effect responses to the Youth's behaviour. Our one of a kind, BuildingBlock™ Certified Equine Assisted Learning Program© will teach your group how four-legged teachers assist participants in learning the power and strength of communication and other other critical life skills. WHY HORSES? Working with horses as teachers completely changes the dynamics of traditional learning. The non-verbal communication of a horse reflects an immediate and honest reaction to the stimulus directed towards them, which in return, causes the client to recognize and adjust how they approach situations. Horses can discern the difference between a calm, non-threatening approach and an anxious nervous energy. Horses respect the strict hierarchy of the herd, look for strong leadership and are willing to follow once they trust. Horses are large and powerful animals. It is natural for some participants to feel fearful and intimidated by the size and power of a horse. As participants can work to overcome their fears and develop a relationship of trust with the horse, they are naturally developing confidence in themselves. Accomplishing a task with the horse in spite of their fears, carries over to dealing with other challenging and intimidating situations in their lives. Every time participants interact with horses there is learning taking place, guaranteed. WHAT'S MY ADVANTAGE IN CHOOSING THIS TYPE OF SKILLS TRAINING VS TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM TRAINING? Experiential learning is a key element of success. When a person is involved, self-evaluating and self-initiating their learning process, they retain and apply that knowledge. The effects of experiential learning are pervasive, meaning that they affect large areas of the learners' life. "Tell me, I may listen. Teach me, I may remember. Involve me, I will do it."
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